- Windows 10 1809 update manually

- Windows 10 1809 update manually

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Windows 10 1809 update manually 


Windows 10 1809 update manually -


Windows 10 version may have reached its end of support earlier this month, but Microsoft has another update for it. The update brings Windows 10 to build The update has just a single highlight, which is outlined on a Microsoft support page opens in new tab :. As pointed out by Neowin , this build is not available through Windows Update.

Instead, you have to manually install it through Microsoft Update Catalog opens in new tab. Sean Endicott is the news writer for Windows Central. If it runs Windows, is made by Microsoft, or has anything to do with either, he's on it. Sean's been with Windows Central since and is also our resident app expert.

If you have a news tip or an app to review, hit him up at sean. Windows Central Windows Central. What you need to know Windows 10 version has a new security update.

To receive the update, you have to install it manually. Windows 10 version reached its end of support earlier this month. Sean Endicott opens in new tab opens in new tab. More about windows Windows 10 version 22H2 announced, and its first build is available fo Poll: Will you sign up for Xbox Game Pass for families? What's the mos See all comments 1. Windows Central Newsletter. Get the best of Windows Central in in your inbox, every day! Contact me with news and offers from other Future brands.

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